Gymwear fit for all athletes.

Welcome to Squat Apparel. New for 2024, get 10% off when you spend over $120.
Check out our gymwear and other fitness apparel.

New Arrivals

Take a look at our new arrivals. We’re always adding more apparel for our fitness enthusiasts. We custom make Hoodies, Joggers, Men’s and Women’s shirts, shoe, and other athletic apparel. Our squat apparel line offers high-quality workout clothing designed to meet the needs of all gym-goers. Our products are made from breathable, moisture-wicking fabrics that keep you comfortable and dry during even the most intense workouts. We offer a variety of styles, including shorts, leggings, and tank tops, all designed to move with you and provide the support you need. Whether you’re a squat enthusiast or simply looking for comfortable and stylish gym wear, our apparel line has you covered. With a range of sizes and colors to choose from, you’re sure to find the perfect fit for your fitness routine.

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Athletic wear that fits our audience

Squat Apparel and “Do you Lift Bro” are our brand of clothing focused on Men and Women fitness enthusiasts. What started with a phrase, “Squat Deep, Squat Sexy” has branched into other facets of clothing and apparel. We are fitness enthusiasts. Our gear is made with you, the enthusiasts, in mind. Most of our products are shipped from the US unless otherwise noted. From jorts to muscle mommy shirts or you just want to get a hoodie for workouts to hide them gains we have it all.
We’re proudly based in the United States!

Squat 101

Looking to perfect your squat technique and get the most out of your lower body workout? Look no further than Squat 101! Our comprehensive blog provides expert tips and techniques to help you master the squat and build a strong, toned lower body. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced gym-goer, our informative articles will guide you through the proper form and progression, helping you reach your fitness goals. Don’t let poor technique hold you back – visit Squat 101 today and start squatting with confidence!

As part of the FAA , we are working with our partners at to bring you workout plans, nutritional guides, and supplement knowledge. We’re fitness enthusiasts just like you. Check out DYLB today!

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