Squat Apparel is our brand of clothing focused on Men and Women squatters across the world. What started with a phrase, “Squat Deep, Squat Sexy” has branched into other facets of clothing and apparel. We’re an American company headquartered in Maryland. While we still have our “Squat Deep, Squat Sexy” brand, we have branched into other trends and fashions, catering to men and women alike.
Squat Sexy is a phrase for our wearers who are loud and proud of their sexy , squat sculpted physique. Squatting sculpts your posterior chain better than any other leg workout. Doesn’t matter if you squat ten pounds or 800 pounds, you always must “Squat Deep, Squat Sexy”
As of March 2020, we’ve merged our other brand websites squatsexy.com and doyouliftbro.com into squat apparel. You can order the same great products with the same customer obsessed teams.
Squat Apparel is a subsidiary of Fitness Apparel Authority LLC Orders will show up on your receipt as “Squat Apparel”